Carbs & Comfort

Because I have slightly more spare time than I really know what to do with (I am REALLY bad at doing nothing.  Four weeks off work. Zero boxsets.), we continue briefly on the Nopi train.

Or rather, I had some chicken drumsticks in the freezer and decided to randomly inflict Nopi on them.  Mostly in the form of  Twice Cooked Chicken .  Plus it gave me an excuse to make a big batch of Master Stock.

I mean I could have quite sensibly done them in a BBQ sauce or similar, but nooooo.  That would be too easy.

We paired it with a new (to us) Nopi recipe of Celariac and Potato Gratin which is exactly as carb-a-licious and creamy as you’d expect.


Continuing along the ridiculous carbs and dairy baking theme we made a Leek and Potato Pie, which actually wasn’t a filling as expected.  Bit of a disappointment that one and not exactly a looker. We mostly made it because Dan had harvested his potatoes and still had some leeks up on the allotment.

Awkward time of year this.  The allotment is pretty much winding down, but not dead enough that I can completely ignore it.

Continuing in my efforts to use up the leeks and eat all the comfort food we made a BLT risotto.  Obviously leeks not lettuce.

Lettuce just wouldn’t be in season darhhhling.

This is just fried leeks and bacon, with a risotto made on top.  During this we roasted a load on frozen cherry tomatoes until they didn’t look too runny and at the very end stirred them in.  It’s a good one for freezer clearance, although our habit of making large batches and freezing individual portions somewhat undoes this.


We ended the week on some very familiar favourites.  Along with leeks, the allotment also had some perpetual spinach and the last of the beetroot.

We roasted the beetroot some balsamic vinegar, rosemary and garlic as per River Cottage.  Then we topped it with Goat’s cheese and had it for lunches.

Then we made Cumin Potatoes with Spiced Chickpeas, which continues to be reliably brilliant.


Catch Up

For some reason we appeared to get stuck in an upside tart rut.

First there was the River Cottage Upside Down Onion Tart, which is all slow cooked onions, balsamic vinegar and puff pastry.

Then there was Anna Jones’ Tomato Tarte Tatin.  Both of which were tasty, but we did overdose on puff pastry as a result.

In response/retaliation we made grilled harissa courgettes on tabouleh with goats’ cheese.  This is pretty much what it says.

The courgettes are sliced, tossed it oil and harissa and cooked on a griddle pan.  Then it goes with a basic tabouleh (bulgar wheat, tomatoes, spring onions, parsley, mint, lemon juice, and oil) and a crumble of goats’ cheese.

Because we both genuinely believe that everything is better with goat’s cheese.



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