You Tart

Dan is a fantastic cook.  Or a fantastic baker.  He does the bread, the pastry, and the cakes.

I’m generally shooed out the kitchen until a caramel or custard is required.  Or he wants someone to read him the recipe because he’s covered in flour.

This is his post.  It’s Easter weekend and he wanted to use as much butter as possible.

Obviously the first place to start with that is an enriched dough.  But not a sweet one.  No that would be foolish, not when we have the Chocolate of Easter to consider.

So he made a Savoury Brioche Couronne.  This uses so much Mozzarella it’s scary.

We served it with a spinach, chilli and squash salad, and it was delicious.

Surprisingly it was even nicer cold that hot, which we feel might be possibly disloyal to the joy that is melted cheese.

He then made some absolutely amazing Salted Caramel Chocolate tarts.  Garnished with mini eggs, because it is Easter after all.

I even got to assist with this one.  Caramel doesn’t make itself y’know.


Man these are freaking dense.  Delicious, but dense.

Then on Monday he made a Seeded Sourdough.  Because why not?


Super tasty.  Especially toasted with a slice of Meatloaf.

Finally, he made cornbread.  Cornbread to go with a Chorizo, Tomato and Baked Egg thingy.  I got to fry some onion because he couldn’t do that and put the cornbread in the oven at the same time.

We’ve done this dish before, and it’s always fantastic.

Obviously this gratuitous demonstration of baking prowess can not go unanswered.  I will respond with excessive planning and overly ambitious catering, as is my way.

Three course Greedy Guinea Pig Club for eight at the end of May?  Don’t mind if I do.

Scallops wrapped in Pancetta on a Leek Puree with a Coral Ragu

Roast Pork with Tuscan Herbs, with Lentil, Tomato & Spinach Stew

Pear, Frangipane & Amaretti Flan

Okay, yes, Dan is probably going to make the dessert.