If in doubt add more wine

Another mixed day.

We made a kinda spiced Indian themed baked beans using tinned cannellini beans and many spices.

It was..meh.

So we don’t think we’ll try that again.  We’ll stick with North American style baked beans in future.

On the other hand we had a total bloomin’ success with cheat based ragu.

Our usual ragu (courtesy of the blessed Delia) is a precise and elaborate affair.

This time we stared deep into the freezer and shrugged.

Well, we had a metric some of chicken liver, a dubious dunno of minced pork and a large bag of cooked roast beef.

Sure we can turn that into ragu!  Or rather Dan can turn that into ragu.  He rather kindly made most of it whilst I was still in bed.

He did say the ragu was looking a little dry before he put it in the oven.  I would have added some beef stock, but no, Dan decided to up the 400ml of red wine required to 750ml.

That’s a whole bottle of wine!

He did reassure me that we’d had it before and it wasn’t brilliant.

So that’s okay…


The texture was slightly chewier than normal, but otherwise this was a total success.

This is what a freezer staple should look like.

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