Round Objects: Ricotta Edition

Continuing on the home-made cheese front, after we polished off the mozzarella, we moved onto dealing with the large quantity of ricotta sitting in the fridge.

First we made ricotta ice cream.

This sounds weird, but we have previously made toasted rice ice cream (amazing) and clotted cream ice cream (the best thing to serve with hot dessert ever).

Plus ricotta is a frequent base for desserts, so we thought “yeah, this is worth a punt.”


Sometime later we had what we can only describe as a Mini Milk flavour ice cream.

The plain white Mini Milk.

Which I adore.

Second we made Savoury Filo Strudel with Port Wine Sauce.

Well, almost.

We made the filling then realised that:

  1. It was 6.00pm and we had to cool the filling for a couple of hours.
  2. The kitchen was a state and we had no room to lay out the filo.
  3. We’d already done three batches of washing up that day.
  4. We had run completely out of steam.

So we put the filling in the fridge and ordered a curry.

The next day we had way more energy and finished the recipe.


We last made this in 2014 and my notes on the recipe read, “Really very nice.  Occasional due to time and cost.”

Cost is less of an issue nowadays, but the rest remains completely true.

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