Spanish Fry-Up– 31/07/2016

A very quick one since on Sunday since Dan buggered off back to Wales and I had more tart for dinner.

For lunch we had something called “Fried Eggs, Salt Cod & Black Pudding,” from the Barcelona section again. It is essentially a one pan fry up with Salt Cod taking the place of bacon.

It works rather well.

It certainly works better than bad bacon.

We’d done this recipe once before, so we played pretty fast and loose with the quantities:

“Just use all the remainder of the salt cod.”
“75g of black pudding you say? Shall we just use the whole (230g) packet?”

There also a really serendipitous moment when I was about to get six cherry tomatoes out the freezer and Dan suddenly discovered six beautifully ripe golden cherry tomatoes in the greenhouse.

Summer first!

They do somewhat disintegrate is this recipe, so they are the yellow things that aren’t egg yolks.


This feeds two and is done by frying approximately 100g of well soaked salt cod with a chopped garlic clove in plenty of olive oil until it starts to get a tad crunchy.

Then add as much black pudding as you fancy and a handful of halved cherry tomatoes and cook until done.

Crack in two eggs and swirl around a bit so the white gets everywhere. Add black pepper, then stick in a medium oven until the eggs are cooked to your liking.

Garnish with chives to at least pretend it’s healthy.

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