Lasagne to go 08/05/2016

Sunday consisted of three lovely bits of cooking.  The first was Dan making a delicious seeded loaf for packed lunches of cheese and pickle sandwiches.

The second was a very large lasagne, mostly based on the Jamie Oliver Baked Lasagne, just bumped up a bit in decadence (a little more of everything), and the chilli removed.  I’m never quite sure what giving chilli to a breastfeeding mother will to the baby at the receiving end…or the end of the receiving baby.

This doesn’t get eaten by us, but instead gets given to H&N as a late new baby present.  And by late, we mean when they asked for it.  We’ve made a habit of swooping in and supplying food once all the real family stuff has calmed down, after all, we’re generally not actual family, and we’re not that interested in the infant yet.  Seriously, the interactive features on a baby at five weeks are pretty poor.  Anyway.  How are you?


Yes it is as massive as it looks.  We don’t give diet food (we don’t make friends with salad).

The last, final, swift bit of cooking was our dinner.  Which was “Soy and Garlic Steak with Wasabi Noodles”.


Despite how this looks those are not egg noodles, but strips of mango.  This recipe is the only time we’ll buy mango from the supermarket, rather than the fruit market.  Fruit market mango is just too ripe to turn into matchsticks, so we have to resort to the more expensive, but firmer, supermarket options.

The steak is briefly marinated in garlic, chilli and soy sauce, then fried even more briefly.  While the steak in resting, rice noodles are cooked, the marinade is reduced and a little wasabi sauce is added.  We tend to use wasabi fairly infrequently so we have a pot of wasabi powder that can be mixed into sauce much like Coleman’s Mustard Powder.

Finally, the steak is sliced and everything is mixed together with a handful of roughly chopped coriander.  The coriander does come from the market though, those bunches are huge!

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